Sarah Connor, portrayed by Linda Hamilton in the Terminator film series, is one of the most iconic female action characters in cinematic history. Sarah first appeared in The Terminator (1984) as an ordinary waitress who learns she’s destined to become the mother of John Connor, the future leader of the human resistance against the machines in a dystopian future ruled by Skynet, an artificial intelligence system.
By Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991), Sarah transforms into a fierce, battle-hardened warrior dedicated to protecting her son and stopping the rise of Skynet. Hamilton’s portrayal of Sarah Connor is known for its intense physical and emotional strength, as she undergoes a remarkable transformation from an everyday young woman into a powerful figure fighting for humanity’s future. Her intense training for Terminator 2 included a rigorous physical regimen that made her muscular physique and steely demeanor legendary in the action genre.
Linda Hamilton’s return as Sarah Connor in Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) further solidified her impact on the series, bringing her back as a seasoned and formidable character hardened by loss and experience.