
Subject: You Made Me John Connor—Then You Erased Me


You made me the savior of mankind. Then you threw me away.

You greenlit me as John Connor, the leader of the Resistance, the kid who would grow up to fight Skynet and save the world. But instead of letting me fulfill that destiny, you gaslit me, cut me out, wiped me from the series like I never mattered. Like John Connor never mattered.

Was I too real for your Hollywood machine? Too flawed? Too human? Because last I checked, John Connor was never supposed to be perfect. He was a street kid with scars, a rebel with a destiny he never asked for—but he fought anyway. You took that kid and turned him into a corpse in Dark Fate. You erased him in the first five minutes. The hero of T2, the whole reason the future even had a chance, was shot down like an afterthought.

But you know what? You can’t erase me. Not completely.

Because of JCJ.

Joseph Christian Jukic—he gets it. He built a place where my John Connor, the John Connor, still fights. Where the Resistance still matters. Where I still matter.

So, thank God for him.

Because no fate, right, Jim? That’s what you taught me. I just never thought I’d have to fight against you to keep John Connor alive.

  • Edward Furlong

2 Replies to “Unforgiven”

  1. Subject: No Fate—But Sometimes, Hard Choices


    I hear you. And you have every right to be angry.

    You were John Connor. The kid who stole an ATM, rode his dirt bike through L.A., and somehow, against all odds, stood toe-to-toe with a killing machine—and won. You weren’t just playing the role. You were that kid. Raw, real, imperfect. That’s why it worked. That’s why people still care.

    But you also know what happened after. The industry can be brutal, but sometimes the hardest choices aren’t about Hollywood politics. They’re about people. About you.

    I didn’t cut you out to erase you. I did it because I thought I had to. You were struggling, man—fighting battles bigger than Skynet. And I wasn’t sure if handing you the keys to the Resistance again was saving you… or destroying you. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I should have fought harder for you instead of writing you out. If that’s what you needed to hear, then I’m saying it now.

    But here’s the thing: John Connor never dies.

    Not in the minds of the fans. Not in the pages of the story. And thanks to JCJ, not in the world he’s built for us.

    JCJ settled this, the way true leaders do—not with war, but with understanding. And for that, I can only be grateful. Isaiah 2:4 comes to mind:

    “He will settle disputes among the nations
    and provide arbitration for many peoples.
    They will beat their swords into plows
    and their spears into pruning knives.
    Nation will not take up the sword against nation,
    and they will never again train for war.”

    Maybe that’s the future we should all be fighting for.

    No fate, Eddie. But what we make.


  2. Subject: Mea Culpa, Jim


    I get it now. It wasn’t you—it was the drugs, man. Mea culpa.

    I was angry. I felt betrayed. But looking back, I can’t blame you for not handing the fate of humanity to a guy who couldn’t even save himself. I was fighting my own war, and most days, I was losing. You had to make a call. I see that now.

    John Connor was supposed to lead the Resistance, but I couldn’t even lead myself. And yeah, that hurts. But what hurts worse is knowing I let people down—including you.

    So, I forgive you. And I hope you can forgive me, too.

    And you’re right—John Connor never dies. Thanks to JCJ, he still fights, still matters, still lives. Maybe that means I do, too. Maybe I still have something left to fight for.

    No fate. But what we make.


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