James Cameron is an unhinged nuclear doomsday CRANK.
All his dark prophecies will turn out to be FALSE. I have my Ven Diagrams out and i am ready to DEBUNK him.
He is creating a new DSM V mental illness called Sarah Connor Syndrome.
If You Are Listening to this, You are the Resistance!
James Cameron is an unhinged nuclear doomsday CRANK.
All his dark prophecies will turn out to be FALSE. I have my Ven Diagrams out and i am ready to DEBUNK him.
He is creating a new DSM V mental illness called Sarah Connor Syndrome.
a real leader would mediate
between the two nuclear super powers
U kill this girl…
and there will be a most horrible CHASTISEMENT…
on your capitalist psychiatric gulag.
Yes, first there will be loose nuke fireworks…
going off in every major American city…a game of Russian roulette with suitcase sized nukes from the KGB…then if America won’t repent, SS-18 Satan ICBMS to end it all, all of human civilization.
If i die, the pages go down
and nobody will continue my work. Nuclear swords into space ship part plowshares will not happen.
it is out of my hands if the psych drugs kill me.